Code Black Services

Code Black are forensic specialists understanding the antecedents of aggression to determine the level of risk posed by individuals, to their targets, the general public, organisations and themselves...We navigate a path to positive action.
Services addressing persons of concern and perpetrators:
Behavioural analyses;
Mental health assessments and case formulation;
Risk and threat assessments.
Services for the survivors of problem behaviour:
Impact assessments;
Safety planning and harm prevention;
Psychological treatment and rehabilitation.
Services for systems and organisations:
Creating psychologically safe environments;
Accountability and performance management;
Solution planning for complex cases that exhaust existing resources;
Best-practice training and supervision for staff.
Expert consultations to the legal system:
Psychological insights to promote case resolution;
- Forensically informed ADR;
- Expert opinion and reports;
- Expert testimony.
We also provide assessments and care planning to the Victorian Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) for the Multiple & Complex Needs Initiative (MACNI) and Child Protection; the Department of Justice and Community Safety for youth and adult offenders.
Case Examples
Safe Work - Psychological Safety & Compliance

A work team experienced 'mild'
team member aggression through rudeness, inflexibility and challenges to others ... complex personalities and legislative requirements had to be navigated to move forward.... true social complexity was overcome avoiding damaging and protracted legal cases. The team is now performing and growing positively.
Violence Risk Management for Safety and Brand Reputation

A student was fixated on
mass homicides, researching
on library computers bomb technology... Code Black diagnosed underlying pathologies and pathway to violence behaviours that provided safety to the University staff and students and the students family who were at higher risk of harm. Support services were linked in and the police received a detailed risk analysis that supported positive action.
Family Violence
Expert Opinion for the courts

Family violence has received much attention, however victims still face the uncertainty of police and court responses. Courts are tasked with making findings
in both civil and criminal matters, relying heavily upon the credibility of the witnesses to make a ruling. Where victims have been heavily impacted one perpetrator was capable of misleading the justice system and controlling his victim for years through stalking!
The emotional and financial toll unfathomable, Code Black provided the forensic assessment to unpack the case and provide police with the impetus and understanding to pursue a criminal case. The courts relied upon Dr Lisa Warren's insights to finally take action needed to effectively protect the victim and children.

Unmanageable Employee Insight and Strategies
An individual with a direct manner found not to be guilty of bullying continued
to cause damage and division in a work team. Individuals were taking paid
leave and performance declined dramatically. Psychological injury claims were the next stop at $300,000 for an average claim it is expensive for organisations not to proactively address .
This organisation had to their credit attempted many sensible solutions to restore the team functioning. This was not enough. Code Black provided the forensic assessment that gained insight into the complexities of not only individuals but the operating environment. The organisation (operations, HR and legal teams) was supported to effectively care for effected team members and implement a strategy to empower everyone navigating the path to function effectively in a safe environment.
Psychological Violence

Where individuals behaviours
fell just short of legal thresholds
adversarial legal methodologies were proving impotent to protect the client organisation and staff. Dr Lisa Warren assessed the pathological profile of the aggressor and developed the risk mitigation strategies to stop the harm. PTSD is not uncommon in these cases. The staff harmed were effectively heard, validated and supported back to health.
Private Patients
Psychological strategies and safety planning

Relationships should be nurturing with individuals loved and respected. When one party wishes to break up, although hurtful, they have a right for that decision to be respected. In one case stalking ensured. After determination of personal risk, safety planning and triage processes were developed to keep a former partner safe...Code Black's assessment and court report supported the granting a rare life time intervention oder.